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Garth is a favorite here in Sisters and a long time friend of the Rickards family. He loves fly fishing and the great outdoors, so he often finds himself admiring the landscapes surrounding him, imagining how they would translate to canvas.


Over the years he's developed his own concept of realism, allowing shapes and colors to weave together until the image appears. He uses palette knife technique to create his eye- catching aspens and dramatic landscapes, building up the paint and then cutting it away. Whenever he approaches a canvas, he's intentional about enjoying the process which always makes for an exciting reveal of new pieces.

Garth Williams "Just Turning Color"
Garth Williams "Spring Runoff"
First Snow
Summers End
Garth Williams "Fall River"
Garth Williams 'Box Canyon Aspen"
Spring Roll N Off

 Gallery  Tuesday-Saturday  11AM-4PM

Restaurant  Tuesday-Saturday 11:30AM-8PM

303 West Hood Avenue Sisters, Oregon 97759





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